This is the first episode of season 3 and I wanted to make it special and share more about me and my spiritual journey.
It feels weird to call it a Spriitual awakening but really that’s what it was. In 2019, after having my second son in August I was beginning to feel useless. I was on maternity leave and just felt like ‘this can’t be it.’ That feeling of repeat… Wake up, eat, tend to the kids, go back to bed. And repeat. It was nice, it was what I needed, I needed to feel the ‘numbness’ of everyday life to be re-awaken to the spiritual world. This numbness, boredom I had to life helped me “wake up” to getting back in alignment with my life and career purpose.
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Thank you for listening to them manifest your career podcast with me your host Dr. Norma Reyes, a career and mindset coach. Learn more about my coaching today at https://www.manifestyourcareer.com/coaching
