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Mindset is Everything

Writer's picture: Dr. Norma ReyesDr. Norma Reyes

Mindset is Everything

In 2019, I completed my PhD program and the months after that I began to rediscover myself. And now in 2022, I see how much I’ve grown in my self discovery. 

If you had asked me then, if I would be where I am now I wouldn’t have even believed it. At that time I lacked my own career clarity even though I had major successes under my belt.  

Since then I’ve discovered what has led to my own career success and have enjoyed helping others do the same.

What has been key in my career success, has been my mindset. 

Mindset is EVERYTHING.

After completing my degree in May of 2019, I went through my own self-discovery journey. I have to admit that I really thought my degree was going to open doors for me. But in reality that’s not a real strategy.  And while strategy is important, mindset matters more.  

I took a pause in my career growth at the time since I was pregnant and expecting my son in Aug of 2019.   Instead I dove into hobbies and books.  This led me down an unexpected rabbit hole of self-help and manifestation books

I remembered then that there was more that I wanted from my career. I wanted to help Latinas in a way that I always wish I had been helped.  I wanted to help Latinas like me, who had had terrible career advice and ignored their intuition. 

So, in November 2019 I set out to do just that. I offered my first coaching program  Overcoming Imposter Syndrome.  I was so lit up and felt that I was living with purpose. 

Knowing that I was back in career alignment. Instead of feeling stuck or lost on what to do next in my career, I had clarity, joy, and excitement in what I was meant to do. 

While I enjoyed coaching women on overcoming imposter syndrome, it felt limited.  I wanted to go beyond that. I wanted to show them how it’s more than overcoming just one thing.  It was overcoming all of your beliefs that keep you from moving forward. And that your career mindset is what really matters.

What you believe to be true for you, is what really matters. 

As I worked with clients, I could see that each that their own unique limiting beliefs that were keeping them from going after their career goals.

So, two years after starting my business I started offering Career Mindset coaching.  Allowing me to help clients uncover their limiting beliefs and learn the skills needed to continue their own growth beyond our coaching.

So today I’ll ask you, have you checked your mindset or are you operating on a limited career mindset?

Having a limited career mindset can make you think…

👉🏽 there’s only a few career opportunities available

👉🏽 it’s too late to make a career change

👉🏽 it’s too early to change careers

👉🏽 career success comes after years of hard work

It’s completely normal to operate in this limited mindset. It’s what we’re taught to think.  That in this life there’s only so many opportunities, it’s too late or too early to decide something isn’t working for you.   Or that career success only comes after hard work.  

It’s time you move from a limited mindset to a growth mindset.

I help Latinas figure this out with my 1:1 Career Mindset Coaching. I help my clients figure out WHAT mindset beliefs are actually keeping them stuck so that they can begin to move forward in their career.

Stop buying into the old limited career mindset thinking of how your career should unfold. 

And start creating your own path. 

Learn more about my coaching today at

Are you interested in 1:1 Career Coaching? 

Dr. Reyes offers 1:1 Career Mindset Coaching.  

Learn everything you need to know about using your mindset for career development

Build a new career mindset that helps you be in alignment with your life purpose

Embody the successful and confident Latina you’ve always known you can be

I’m here to help you reconnect with yourself, with your intuition and inner knowing

You’ve been working hard to have the career you want but… haven’t seen any results. Your career is stagnant, frustrating, and  disappointing.

You weren’t taught how to navigate your career.  You were taught that your hard work would speak for itself in your career. You see everyone else moving forward, having the career growth you desire for yourself. 

Meanwhile you’re feeling frustrated all day at work.  Leaving you wishing you were further along in your career. But again, you’re not even sure where to start. You look back at your career and keep wondering “how did I get here?” 🙈

It’s okay. Life Happens.

You’re exactly where you need to be. Now is the time to do something about it. You are now ready. 

Now you can take action.

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