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Writer's pictureDr. Norma Reyes

November 2021: Career Tarot Reading

Welcome to the November 2021, Career Tarot Reading.  A card was pulled for each Zodiac sign. The Modern Witch Deck was used and can be found on Amazon.  Simple Tarot Readings by Angel Green were used this month for the readings.

Look below to find your Zodiac Sun Sign and read what’s in store for your career this month. If you feel called to receive a second message for the month, you can also look up your Moon Sign for additional reading to the month. 

If you’d like to purchase personalized Career Tarot reading, Click Here.

November Career Tarot Reading

The general reading for the month is the Page of Pentacles card.

This card may mean a raise or promotion at work. If so, it comes as a result of your hard work and all of the effort you’ve put in so far. Congratulations! It’s wonderful to be seen and recognized. If you’d like to advance in your career, concentrate on learning everything about your industry as you can. Put yourself on a course of study to identify what the most successful people in your field do and then model your actions and behavior on their example.

For this month take focus on your field. Take classes, workshops, and spend time reading and learning from the experts. Find a mentor, coach, or guide who will direct you and hold you accountable to your career goals.

Aries March 21 – April 20 ♈ Fire

Eight of Swords (reverse)

This month you may begin to feel trapped in a job you do not enjoy. Please remember that all of your limitations are self-imposed. You have more options than you think or currently see.

To begin to see these possibilities, create a list of 10 alternate ways you could make money. Repeat this brainstorming list for 10 days. Do not limit yourself to “sensible” or “realistic” choices. Not only will come up with many options for a new career, but you will have jump-started your creativity and opened your eyes to new ideas.

Study other people who have made radical life changes. Ask your personal and professional network if they know anyone who has followed the career path you are curious about. And then invite that person out for coffee or ask them for advice.

You don’t have to make a choice or a change yet. But you must realize you have options and the best way to do it is through creativity, imagination, curiosity, and following the paths shown by others.

Taurus April 21 – May 20 ♉ Earth

The Magician

When this card shows up, you are being told to use your natural skills and talents to shine in your career. This is not the time to hide behind a mask at work. Or hold back your awesomeness, or promote someone else’s agenda.

Your power and your passion are ready to be unleashed without limits. You’ve got this! This is an active card, so set up the systems, routines, habits, and support you need to be your shiniest, boldest, and most creative self.

Gemini May 21 – June 21 ♊ Air

Five of Wands

Five of Wands is about competition, rivalry, and conflict. In the business world, you could be facing intense competition with your company and products, or you could find someone is gunning for your job.

Either way, you’ll have to commit to reaching your goals at a level that scares you. This means changing your daily routines, beliefs, and habits quickly so you can work with absolute focus and clarity. There is no more room for daydreams and wishes. You need to Do The Work. There are NO exceptions or excuses.

If you work independently, it could be the struggle is between your limitless creativity and your discipline. Focus and commit to doing the work. Don’t get distracted by every new possibility and shiny idea. Your creativity needs to serve your goals, instead of distracting you from them.

If you have been putting full effort into a project, you may see your efforts are futile. Instead of giving up, find a new way. Search for a creative solution with fewer challenges and conflicts.

Cancer June 22 – July 22 ♋ Water

Ten of Cups (reversed)

This is an extremely positive card for work, especially if you work in a tight-knit environment where your coworkers feel like family.

The relationships are strong and you feel (or will soon feel) content and fulfilled with your work life. Look to your next professional challenges in areas involving other people, perhaps through leadership, mentoring, or supporting the work of others.

Focus on growing your professional network by treating people as if they are already friends. Offer support, connections, and resources. Give, give, give and then open your arms to receive.

Leo July 23 – August 22 ♌ Fire

The Empress (reversed)

The Empress births new projects in an abundant garden. But gardens take work. They don’t happen on their own. Be prepared to plant the seeds, tend your garden, and work for the harvest.

She’ll provide the abundant harvest, but only with your desire, dedication, work and direction. The work doesn’t need to be drudgery (in fact, it shouldn’t be!), but The Empress only works when you do.

This card in your reading this month is encouraging you to start or grow a creative project, either professionally or as a side hustle. The Empress LOVES creativity and artistic endeavors. Use this energy to your advantage this month.

Virgo August 23 – September 22 ♍ Earth

Knight of Wands

Any new project or idea is likely to be a great one. If you’ve been planning, researching, and thinking about something, now is the time to take action on it. No more maybes. This is definitely it!

Of course, this card can also represent an actual person you work with. If so, they likely will serve as a role model or will bring you a message you are ready to hear. This person will be forward-thinking, creative, and enthusiastic.

Occasionally, the Knight of Wands can move too quickly and make mistakes due to making rash and daring decisions. Don’t let that hold you back, but be prepared. The changes you are making are big and it may take time for others to catch up with your career vision.

Libra September 23 – October 22 ♎ Air

Eight of Wands (reversed)

Professionally, things are finally coming together. You’ve put in the hard work and will quickly see results. Keep doing the work, but prepare for a positive change. Build your financial and energetic reserves, maintain your network, and gather a support system.

When the news arrives, you will have to move quickly. The only thing guaranteed is rapid change, so make yourself as prepared as you can be for all possible outcomes this month. If you travel for work, this card may indicate another business trip.

Scorpio October 23 – November 22 ♏ Water

The Devil

The Devil card is a warning that your priorities are out of whack. Take control of your compulsive behaviors and free yourself from the limitations you are putting on yourself, your career, and your life.

Are your dreams and desires only about financial or material success? If so, it’s likely your ego has taken over and made you a slave to your physical desires. You have created your own chains and you are the one who maintains them. Is this really how you want to live?

Money is good. So are fame and success. But when you let them rule your life at the expense of your happiness or the happiness of others, you’re no longer in control. Take time to reflect on why you’re pursuing goals, and if it’s really something you want to keep pursuing.

Sagittarius November 23 – December 21 ♐ Fire

Ten of Pentacles (reversed)

Ten of Pentacles card indicates job security or retirement, as well as material and financial success. You are building assets and are able to take care of others.

If you are looking for a raise or to transfer to a new job, this is a good time to ask or start looking. Continue to work at a high level and ask for advice from your boss or professional mentor. Connect with your social network and community through volunteering and service. Let your leadership skills shine. You will be noticed and appreciated.

Professionally, you are ready to step up to a new level of leadership. You have gone through your apprenticeship and have learned how to do the work and manage others. You are ready to inspire and lead your team.

Capricorn December 22 – January 20 ♑ Earth

King of Pentacles (reversed)

King of Pentacles may represent someone you work with (or for), particularly someone who is in a leadership role. If there is no obvious person like this in your professional life, it may pertain to the role you need to play.

Professionally, you must become a leader. Pay attention to every detail, use common sense, and do the work you find most challenging. Always take the high road, hold yourself and others to high standards, and maintain strong boundaries as you give energy and time toward helping others.

These leadership qualities will give you the strength of the King of Pentacles and you will become a master of your own prosperity.

Aquarius January 21 – February 18 ♒ Air

Six of Swords

This card indicates a regretful but necessary transition, such as being laid off or losing an important client. However, this is for the best, as it opens you up for something even better.

While this situation may feel crushing, it is not a permanent blow. You have so many options now. Ask for advice from someone outside your field and focus your attention on the positive changes and opportunities you now have.

If you’re feeling stuck in your career or work, it may be time to find another way to reach your goals. There will be a big leap ahead, but you will be ready for it. Find the work that interests you (in your current job or elsewhere) and throw yourself into it.

Most adults have multiple careers during their lives. (Not just multiple jobs, but multiple different career paths). Your future might be radically different from your past or the present. To find this new direction, begin by removing everything that doesn’t fit. As you eliminate the things that don’t fit, you will create a vacuum of space and energy to attract what is truly you.

Pisces February 19 – March 20 ♓ Water

Wheel of Fortune

This is a great card if you are looking for a raise or a promotion. Take your chances and ask for both.

There will soon be a major change in your life. This card works quickly. To help your luck along, put yourself out there by asking inspiring and influential people for actionable advice about a single problem you are facing. Take their advice and follow up with them with your results. You’ll be making your own luck in no time!

If you’d like to purchase personalized Career Tarot reading, Click Here.

Disclaimer: A Tarot reading is subject to interpretation and should not be taken as absolute. A tarot reading is never 100% accurate. All tarot readings given by me are for entertainment purposes only, and no guarantee can be given as to the accuracy of a reading. A tarot reading does not replace professional medical/legal/business opinion and advice. It will not force you to follow a particular course of action, or attempt to exert any form of control over your free will and common sense. The contents of a tarot reading are not legally binding. Any decisions made, or actions taken by you as a result of your tarot reading are your sole responsibility and have not been forced upon you, by me, your tarot reader. I assume no legal liability for any damages, losses, or other consequences of any client decisions, subsequent to, or based on, my tarot readings. Please use your own common sense and judgment at all times.

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