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September 2021: Career Tarot Reading

Writer's picture: Dr. Norma ReyesDr. Norma Reyes

This month, I decided to start a month Career Tarot Reading for each sign of the zodiac.  Look below for your Zodiac Sun Sign to receive your Career Tarot Reading for the month.  If you feel called to receive a second message for the month, you can also look up your Moon Sign for additional reading to the month.

If you’d like a personalized Career Tarot reading, Click Here.

The readings were completed with the Modern Witch 2019 Tarot Deck by Lisa Sterle

Aries March 21 – April 20 ♈ Fire Sign

Page of Wands

This month, for you, the Page of Wands points to a new career path or course of study. If you are looking for a sign this is it! This new direction will lead you on an adventure of creativity and inspiration over the next few weeks.

You might get unexpected (positive) message from someone outside your normal sphere. Listen to the advice. They are bringing you an encouraging message.

Follow your intuition and creativity. Keep an open mind about there it is leading you. Stay present and enjoy your new adventure. What’s most important is that you follow the threads of what you love in your work and keep moving towards work-related activities you enjoy. You know where you want to be.

Taurus April 21 – May 20 ♉ Earth

The High Priestess

This month, things at work may not be what they seem. Something is making your spider senses tingle. Follow your intuition, as you might not get a clear picture of what “it is” exactly. Even though, you might not know what “it is” go within and meditate on what your gut feelings are trying to tell you. Be open and receptive to what your inner wisdom is speaking to you. Protect your work with strong boundaries, but lead with kindness.

If you are looking for a new career direction, spend time going deep within yourself to investigate your past, patterns, and career goals. If money, age, experience or fear weren’t an issue, what would really want to try?

Gemini May 21 – June 21 ♊ Air

The Chariot

This month, is the time to create a clear and concise career or business plan. While also taking intuitive and inspired actions toward your career or financial goals. Success will come to you this month if you stay focus, determined and use your intuition.

This is your time to move ahead with your career plans with confidence. Don’t let your procrastination and perfectionism hold you back. If you’re stalling on taking action in your career goals or plans, ask someone to hold you accountable.

If you feel pulled in different directions, use your logic (head) to choose one and then take charge. This card is about taking ACTION, not researching, or waiting for the ‘right’ time. The time is now to move towards your big career goals.

Cancer June 22 – July 22 ♋ Water

Ace of Pentacles

The month of September brings a new job, career path, promotion, or a whole new source of income for you. This new direction is where you will grow and thrive. This month you’ll plant the seeds of your career success. So plant wisely.

Start with small steps. And then begin to take steps that will benefit you in the long term. This will be a project that develops slowly, so take your time to enjoy the process.

Leo July 23 – August 22 ♌ Fire

Temperance (REVERSED)

This month you may start to feel out of balance. You might be doing things in excess so take a step back to recenter.  And ask yourself, what do you really want for your career?

Stop trying to force something to happen and relax.  Allow your career journey to unfold in divine timing.   This card can also mean that you need to practice some self control to become aligned with your highest version of yourself.  Again, the divine is asking you to find balance and avoid extreme situations or behaviors.

Virgo August 23 – September 22 ♍ Earth

Queen of Cups

This month, the Queen of Cups, points to a mentor or remodel that will come into your life. She or he, will communicate with compassion. If it’s not an actual person, this card can also be guiding you to begin communicating more effectively at work.

By working on your communication skills you’ll learn how to communicate with respect even when it’s difficult. There are times this month when you’ll feel pulled to speak up. It’s important that you do, even if it feels like there will be negative repercussions. But find the inner strength to confidently speak your mind.

When choosing between being liked or being respected the Queen of Cups, will always choose to be respected. She’s only concerned with her own self-approval and respect. This month channel the wisdom of the Queen of Cups to guide you on your career journey.

Libra September 23 – October 22 ♎ Air

Eight of Pentacles

This month, Libra, you’ll be focused on doing the work. It’s about mastering your craft through focus and practice. The 8 of Pentacles is not about the end result. It is about enjoying the work and the practice of building your skills along the way.

You’ll find more joy in your work when you let go of the outcome or needing recognition for your work. By immersing yourself in the work you’ll build your skills and gain success faster than focusing just on success.

If you’re struggling to find joy in your current work or career path, ask yourself if you want to do the thing or be the thing. For example you might not even care if someone calls you an artist (being the thing) but you enjoy painting (doing the thing) so much that you do it every day. So ask yourself, if your current project or career path is about doing or being. Are you doing it for the internal or external rewards? There’s no right or wrong answer, this is about getting clear on what your inner motivation is. And working towards it.

Scorpio October 23 – November 22 ♏ Water

Wheel of Fortune (Reversed)

This month, your guides urge you to focus on what you can control. Things may get chaotic this month, but worrying about them won’t make you feel better.

So now it’s the time to ask yourself. Are you refusing to let something come to an end or resisting growth? Everything around you at work is changing, which can feel uncomfortable. This time is temporary.

What is ending now will create space for something new to come in its place. Give yourself grace this month. Find ways to relax, and meditate it will help you ease you into the flow versus resistance.

Sagittarius November 23 – December 21 ♐ Fire

Four of Swords (Reversed)

The reversed Four of Swords means that you’ll feel restless this month. You might even find yourself avoiding self-reflection or quiet time.

This month, you might feel like you just can’t stop to rest or reflect due to fear that you’ll lose momentum. But trust your inner guides, they are asking you to rest, reflect, and recharge. Finding inner peace will actually help you sustain your productivity in the long run.

This a warning that you may be teetering on the edge of burnout, and you need to balance your physical and mental outputs in your work. This month calls for more restorative rest. Journal on what can you do to relax your mind?

Capricorn December 22 – January 20 ♑ Earth

Five of Wands (Reversed)

The Five of Wands, points that this month may bring conflict that is blown out of proportion at work. They may mean that the details of a disagreement at work are being exaggerated for dramatic effect. Stick to the FACTS in order to avoid further drama and conflict at work. This disagreement or conflict at work, will actually bring about a resolution faster than if it didn’t happen. Protect your energy and don’t feed into the drama.   For self reflection ask yourself, how do I feel about competition.

Aquarius January 21 – February 18 ♒ Air

Nine of Swords (Reversed)

This month, the Nine of Swords in your reading shows that you might be having a feeling of despair, depression or even panic attacks at work. It also indicates that this time in your career is ending soon.

You can overcome these feelings this month. But it is important that you are gentle with yourself. If you are experiencing extreme anguish and despair don’t be afraid to reach out for support (or professional help). This month focus on what tools you can use to break free from anxious and swirling negative thoughts.

Pisces February 19 – March 20 ♓ Water

The Magician (Reversed)

This month, the Magician in reverse, in your reading points out a misuse of power, manipulation, or trying to force a situation at work. You may be doubting your ability to create or manifest. You may be experiencing a block to your higher self (inner guidance) which is important for you to manifest what you want. This month, focus on reconnecting to the source of your power within.

Trust that if this career door isn’t opening for you, there may be a better door elsewhere… or another way in. If you feel blocked from your intuition, redirect your energies. Take some time to ask yourself, how are you acting like the Magician in your life?

Disclaimer: A Tarot reading is subject to interpretation and should not be taken as absolute. A tarot reading is never 100% accurate. All tarot readings given by me are for entertainment purposes only, and no guarantee can be given as to the accuracy of a reading. A tarot reading does not replace professional medical/legal/business opinion and advice. It will not force you to follow a particular course of action, or attempt to exert any form of control over your free will and common sense. The contents of a tarot reading are not legally binding. Any decisions made, or actions taken by you as a result of your tarot reading are your sole responsibility and have not been forced upon you, by me, your tarot reader. I assume no legal liability for any damages, losses, or other consequences of any client decisions, subsequent to, or based on, my tarot readings. Please use your own common sense and judgment at all times. It is only with the complete understanding and acceptance of the above that your reading will take place.

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