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What is a session like?

Writer's picture: Dr. Norma ReyesDr. Norma Reyes

What is a Career Coaching session like?

Are you considering Career or Leadership coaching?  Have you hear so many buzz words about coaching that you’re feeling lost or confused if it’s for you? Coaching is a great way to get yourself focused and back on track towards meeting your goals. Remember it’s always about what you want. A coach is here to help you not tell you what you need to do.

Below is an outline of how I start my first session with my clients:

  1. Check-in with my client: “How are you feeling today?”

  2. Next, I ask my client what is the reason they are interested in coaching: “What interested you in a career (leadership) coaching?”  My clients usually list a few things that they want to work on; some feel really lost and do not know where to start while others will start talking about many issues or concerns they are having. 

  3. I allow them to have space because many times my clients have been so busy they haven’t ever expressed any of these issues or concerns with anyone. It can feel like word vomit, but this is a safe space to just let it all out.

  4. Next,  I’ll ask my client to take some time to write down each of the issues or concerns.

  5. After my client has had some time to write down their concerns, I will ask them to take a moment to reflect on what they wrote.

  6. Then I’ll ask my client to choose one issue or concern from their list they would like to discuss further.

  7. After discussing that one issue, let’s say, career exploration, I will then ask my client what they have done in the past to explore their career options, etc.

  8. Next, I ask them how their current plan of action is working.  Depending on the answer, then we will move forward to the next step or review another issue/concern that my client would like to work on instead.  (repeat steps, 4-7)

  9. Finally, after the client has chosen the issue or concern they want to focus on, I will ask the client to come up with a plan of action.  We will discuss their plan of action, review it and ensure that “SMART” goals have been created.

  10. After a “SMART” goal has been created, I will ask my client to think of 2 to 4 action steps they can complete by our next session (depending on the time frame, I may check via email or texts with the clients between sessions)

  11. Schedule the next session, set up some accountability perimeters, and remind the client that they need to do the work to reach their goals.

In a nutshell, this is how the sessions will go. Some days will have more dialogue, other sessions may have a lot more reflection. And others I get to share my knowledge, skills, and wisdom.  As a Career Clarity Coach and Licensed Therapist, I meet my clients where they are and how they need me.  While I am licensed as a therapist I do not provide counseling to my clients, I strictly provide career coaching.

If an issue arises that may need counseling, I will gladly refer my clients to a colleague in their area.  Counseling helps with exploring past issues that you may need assistance in processing and healing from, while coaching helps you overcome your current fears to meet your current goals.

Remember, that you are in control of your destiny, no one can live your life for you. No one can do the work for you, if you want to meet your goals, you need to do the work.  I am here to remind you that you CAN meet every single goal you set!

SMART” Goals are:

  1. Specific What will be accomplished? What actions will you take?

  2. Measurable What data will measure the goal? (How much? How well?

  3. Achievable Is the goal doable? Do you have the necessary skills and resources?

  4. Relevant How does the goal align with broader goals? Why is the result important?

  5. Time-Bound What is the time frame for accomplishing the goal?

If you’re ready to work with a career coach Check out my services here.

Listen to the Manifest Your Career Podcast for more career advice & tips.

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