Prior to 2019, I did not do much reading for fun. After completing my Phd. in May 2019, I started yearning to read for fun again. Here’s ten books that transformed my 2019, ending it with a bang!
In no particular order, here are the ten books that changed my life in 2019.
This book started my Bullet Journal journey which has changed my world completely. I was always organized and I always tried to keep a planner but there would be times I would not utilize a planner for a month and feel like I “wasted” that space or money. But with a bullet journal you build as you go with little effort.
Unleash Your Inner Money Babe: Uplevel Your Money Mindset and Manifest $1,000 in 21 Days by Kathrin Zenkina
This book catapulted me back into the Law of Attraction as well as letting go of my own blocks that were stifling my energy. I am once again a student of LOA as well as my own spiritual development.
Make Your Bed: Little Things That Can Change Your Life…And Maybe the World by Admiral William H. McRaven
This book was a quick read, I loved it so much I gifted it to a friend AND I had my teen read it. She enjoyed too, or so she said, lol. It had some great lessons and the sugar cookie story was one of my favorite chapters, as well as going to the circus! It gave a great perspective of how challenges prepare us for the unexpected.
The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth: Live Them and Reach Your Potential by John C. Maxwell
This book provided me with lots of time to reflect, after each chapter it has great questions to keep you engaged. I took the time to take notes and answer the questions in my bullet journal.
Today Matters: 12 Daily Practices to Guarantee Tomorrow’s Success by John C. Maxwell
Same as above, definitely a great read and I am looking forward to reading more of his books.
Parenting Without Borders: Surprising Lessons Parents Around the World Can Teach Us by Christine Gross-Loh Ph.D
As a parent in this age, you may find yourself wanting to do your own thing and go against the “research” or “recommendations” by the American Association of Pediatrics. This book just reminded me that going with my gut, and trusting that I can make the best decisions for my children is the best way to parent.
Parenting With Love And Logic By Foster Cline
This was a great book to read after Parenting with Borders. Great advice on how to parent at different ages and examples on how to apply them. I’ll definitely be re-reading this book.
It’s Not Your Money: How to Live Fully from Divine Abundance by Tosha Silver
This book takes a different angle to the LOA and how it is not about money but how to flow freely with abudance. It is 8-weeks of transformation, that I did not even know was possible.
E-Squared: Nine Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments That Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality By Pam Grout
This book!!! Only buy it if you REALLY are going to give it your all and try these experiments. I LOVED this book so much I TELL EVERYONE about it. I even gifted this book to two people! I rarely buy books for others but I felt so moved to give this one out. I also am in the middle of reading her other book. E-Cubed: Nine More Energy Experiments That Prove Manifesting Magic and Miracles Is Your Full-Time Gig
The Top Ten Things Dead People Want to Tell YOU by Mike Dooley
This book just blew my mind! Everything I read just felt like I already knew it. Again another book that I LOVED so much that I bought a print copy after reading it and gift this in Spanish to my father. I also purchased another book of his that I loved playing with asking friends to “choose” a number so I could share a note with them. Notes from the Universe: New Perspectives from an Old Friend I got this from
It was so hard to choose which books were my top ten, that I will have to make a list of ALL the books that I read in 2019 which will take me a little longer. I hope these books help transform your life.
Have you read any of these books before? What books have transformed your life?
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