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8/8 Lion's Gate Portal

Writer's picture: Dr. Norma ReyesDr. Norma Reyes

Today is 8/8 and for all the Astrology fans are ready to start their manifestations.  August 8 is known as the lion’s gate portal that opens every year when the Sun is in Leo, the star Sirius, Orion’s Belt, and the Earth all line up.

Plus if you look at the moonology, we’re in a Waxing Gibbous moon in Sagittarius (Capricorn after 1pm CST).  This is some great energy.  But what does it all mean for you, in your everyday life?

If you ask a farmer, yes a farmer, they often use the Farmer’s Almanac to plan farming, this is a good time (during waxing moon) to tend the garden. So it’s time to put in the work into your goals!

Yes, remember those goals that you set for yourself during the new moon? This is a good time to make sure you’re taking action towards them so you can manifest them into your reality.

Manifesting isn’t sitting down and wishing on a magic genie. 

Manifesting is setting goals and intentions that come from the heart. And then taking inspired action to reach them. 

There’s two steps you can take today to manifest your career goals.

  1. What do you want to bring into your career or life?

  2. What steps do you need to take to achieve this?

Manifesting is setting goals and intentions that come from the heart. And then taking inspired action to reach them.

1. What do you want to bring into your career or life?

It’s time to focus on what you do want for your career versus everything you don’t want. So take a real moment to pause and write down three things you want for your career or career growth. And then from those three, pick one you want to work on now.  It’s important it’s one that brings you joy, comes from the heart, and inspires you to take action!

2. What steps do you need to take to achieve this? 

Now, here’s where the magic happens. It’s time to take some action baby! This doesn’t have to be scary or life changing actions but it does need to be steps that help reach your goal.  Let’s say your goal is to land an interview with a fortune 500 company, the first step is to pick 3-4 companies that interest you. After researching companies narrow it down to 1-2 that you will focus on for this month.  Remember you don’t want to spread your energy too thin.  And the more you narrow down your focus the better!

Remember, to set goals that come from your heart. From your hearts, desire and not what others expect from you.  You’ll have more success when you follow your passions.  Then you’ll feel inspired to take action. You’ll be in flow and not overthink the next best step for you to take.

Interested in working with me? Click Here to Learn more about my services. 

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