When we think about our careers, our career development, or growth. We really don’t think about forgiveness, yet. Forgiveness is so key and essential to keeping ourselves balanced. If we don’t practice forgiveness, then we are holding on to a lot. And if you’re like most people, you don’t have a forgiveness practice.
Forgiveness is often preached in churches. But outside of the church, most people don’t think about it. And most don’t think about forgiveness and how you need it for your career too!
Another concept that isn’t talked about often; is that FORGIVENESS is for you, not the other person, or event. It’s so that you can release those emotions that you’ve been holding on to. All the pain, hurt, anger, or what other emotion you’ve been feeling. So, forgiveness, helps you release what is holding us back.
And it will continue to build up and build up. Until it becomes resentment, feelings of numbness, or depression. This can also lead to burnout and other downward spirals.
As a therapist, I know the importance of practicing forgiveness. Adding your career challenges, decisions, and everything else to it is a no-brainer. I see how it’s also so important for our career development. It is just as important if not more. That we take the time to practice forgiveness in the workplace; in our career, and in our decisions. So for today, I will be guiding you through a forgiveness practice. So that you can let go of these pent-up emotions. The pain, guilt, anger or resentment, that you might be feeling around your career growth, development, or goals. So that you can finally move forward and reach your career dreams. Reach your career goals.
Grab a journal and begin journaling on the questions below.
Think about a career decision that you’ve made that you can’t stop thinking about. For example, I often hear clients upset about the degree they chose. Or going into the wrong field because others told them to do that. This can be any career decision that you’ve made. One that you still haven’t forgiven yourself for. So take a moment, think about it, and write the first thing that comes to mind.
How do you feel about this career decision? What emotions are coming up for you?How do you think this career decision is currently holding you back?
After journaling it out. Do the following. Think about this decision with kindness, and love. Take a nice deep breath. And say, I forgive myself for this career decision. II was doing the best I could, with what I knew then. Moving forward, I will choose better. I will choose what’s right for me. I will choose what’s right for me.
And the next think of a time that you’ve felt stagnant or stuck in your career. Are you upset that you’re not further along in your career? Are you frustrated that you don’t know what to do next in your career? Whatever it is, write it down. Write down what emotions come up.
Then write about how these emotions, these feelings are keeping you stuck. And how they are holding you back from the career growth you want.
After journaling it out. Do the following. Think about this with kindness and love. Take a nice deep breath in. And say, I forgive myself for these emotions. I was doing the best I could with what I knew then. Moving forward, I will choose better. I will choose what’s right for me.
Now think about an interaction at work, that you’ve been holding on to. Were you overlooked for a promotion? Are you constantly finding yourself gossiping? Are you resentful for some reason? Whatever it is, write it down. Now write on how that made you feel? How do you feel when you engage in that activity?
Take a moment to think about how these interactions. How are they currently holding you back from the career growth you want?
Take a nice deep breath in. And with kindness and love. Say I forgive myself for these interactions at work. I was doing the best I could with what I knew them. Moving forward, I will choose better. I will choose what’s right for me.
Next, write about an action you have been thinking about doing. Have you been contemplating taking action, but have been too afraid to do anything? Afraid of what others might say? Procrastinating, ignoring your inner guidance, or resisting some other type of change in your career. Take a moment to think about that. Write down what comes to mind.
How do you feel when you feel stuck? Stuck in being able to move forward not taking action? What does that feel like?
How is your inaction currently holding you back in your career? Write what comes to mind.
Again, with kindness and love. Take a nice deep breath in and release. And say, I forgive myself for inaction. I was doing the best I could with what I knew then. Moving forward, I will choose better I will choose what’s right for me.
Now go ahead and take in one nice big breath. Hold it for a few seconds, and let it go. One more time, a nice deep breath in. And let go.
I’m so proud of you for completing this. It takes a lot to do this type of work. And most people are not willing to do this work. But you are here. You’re in the right place because you are willing to do the work. And remember, this is work. This is a lot. So the rest of the day, be gentle with yourself. You just processed so many emotions, you are releasing these emotions. And these will help you see more clearly, by releasing this stagnant energy. You’ll have more clarity because you won’t have these past events weighing over you.
And that will help you to move forward.
So this is a forgiveness practice that I recommend doing regularly. I wouldn’t recommend it every day because it would be quite a bit. I would suggest weekly. And then move to something more comfortable for yourself.
You’ll know when it’s time to do a release. Because you’ll begin to have random aches and pains all over you body.
Remember that personal growth and development are ongoing.
You Got This!
If you’re ready to work with a career coach 1:1 or in group coaching. Check out my services here.
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