The secret to “doing it all” is by balancing it. You can’t always be on and you can’t always be off.
There needs to be a flow of both masculine and feminine energy ☯️.
You need both energies in your life. One is doing/giving (masculine energy). And one is receiving (feminine energy).
✍🏽 Take a moment to pause and journal today on the following questions:
✨ What areas of your life feel out of balance?
✨ What areas of your life do you lead with masculine energy?
✨ Which areas of your life is led by feminine energy?
✨ Are you leading with too much of feminine or masculine energy all the time?
Career burnout, and all burnout in general, comes from being in too much masculine or feminine energy. If you’re feeling balance on either side reflect on how this has benefited you and what you can do better moving forward?
If you’ve been working too hard towards your goals neglecting your health, self-care, or spending time doing things you love then it’s time to balance your schedule so you can focus more on those areas.
If you’ve been procrastinating or overthinking, then it’s time to reflect on what you can do to set boundaries on activities that keep you from taking action towards your goals.
Take time to figure out where you need balance so you can be in a better state of flow.
Grab a journal and pen and allow your thoughts to flow on to the paper.
What areas of your life feel out of balance?
Take an honest look at your life, in these key areas: your physical environment; your finances; your relationships with your family and friends; your personal and spiritual growth; your health and fitness, your love and romance, and your career or life goals. Look at each of these areas and rate each of them, give them a rating from 1 to 10. One being the lowest and 10 being the highest.
What areas are falling below 5? Take a moment to reflect on how long have these areas been below 5. What would need to change or happen to move the needle up just one number? And honestly ask yourself if it is something you want to do.
Allow yourself to feel the pain of the areas below, this will help motivate you towards actions. It shines light on the areas of your life you want to change and improve. And without reflection we can make change.
Now, let’s look at what areas of your life do you lead with masculine energy.
Masculine energy can be self-confidence, demonstrating leadership, and taking action instead of procrastinating. Masculine is more about doing, logic, and reason. Common words to describe masculine energy are dominant, strong, independent, assertive, brave, and innovative.
What areas in your life do you embody more masculine energy? What areas in your life or career would benefit from more masculine energy?
Next let’s look at which areas of your life is led by feminine energy.
Feminine energy can be more intuitive, oriented towards receiving and allowing, and being versus doing. Common words to describe feminine energy are emotional, collaborative, nurturing. vulnerable, caring, and humble.
What areas in your life do you embody more feminine energy? What areas in your life or career would benefit from more feminine energy?
Are you leading with too much of feminine or masculine energy all the time?
What areas do you have too much masculine or feminine that they are leading you to burn out?
Too much masculine energy would look like exerting too much control over others or situations. Being too logical and inflexible to any change or changes. Being too firm or stubborn and not allowing anyone else to have an opinion. Have you been too competitive or aggressive in any aspects of work or your life?
Too much feminine energy would look like too much people please, caring for others and their needs over yours, expecting others to provide for you with little to no effort on your part. What areas in your life that you’re being overly submissive, passive, anxious, excessively worried, dependent, or fearful?
Again, reflection is key. Ask yourself, what am I afraid of happening that I need to lead with strong masculine or feminine energy in those particular areas. What would happen if you let go of some masculine energy and allow yourself to step into more feminine or masculine energy. What would that look like and how would things change for you, in your life or career.
Schedule a Discovery call with me!
